Transition to
mem Property Management
Please feel free to call mem Property Management customer service line at 201-798-1080 extension 6050.
Welcome Page 1 of 2
Welcome Page 2 of 2
Census Registration Form
Please fill out the Census Registration Form with all your information. Please include all members & vehicles.
Census Registration Form
Berkshire Ridge Condominium Association
c/o mem Property Management
65 Challenger Road Suite 320
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
HOA Fees
1.) ACH (Automated Clearing House) payments. Having your payments processed in this fashion will significantly reduce the financial strain placed on many associations by paper mailings. Fill out the ACH Form and follow the instructions for submittal with a copy of a canceled or voided check.
HOA Fee – ACH Debt Form
2.) You can pay your Association dues via web payment at, then click “Make Payment” via our payment website. There is no additional charge for paying your association dues via web payment using your bank account starting November 1.
Click Make a Payment
Make a One-Time Payment as a Guest
Register for an Account
Homeowner Association = The Bekshire Ridge Condominium Association, Inc. (Oak Ridge, NJ)
3.) Paper check to your association’s lockbox. Envelopes should be addressed to:
Berkshire Ridge Condominium Association
c/o mem property management
PO 105007
Atlanta, GA 30348
For any billing issues regarding the payment of your HOA dues beginning November 1, please get in touch with us by email at or by telephone at (201) 798-1080 ext. 6050. If you have already submitted your payment to the old management company, rest assured that it will be credited to your account.
Your homeowner account number will remain the same
(what is your homeowner account number you ask?)
This is your community, what questions or comments do you have?
Any questions on this may be directed to