Does Berkshire Ridge want Pickleball?

This popular racket sport is loved by many people within our community and around the nation. Pickleball is widely received by players of all ages and skillsets. It is often described as a combination of tennis and ping-pong and can be played in teams of singles or double. Do we want to line one of the tennis courts for Pickleball?

Pickleball Rules

  • Both teams must get a bounce of the ball before attempting a volley. The ball must bounce at least once on either side before any player can attempt to hit a shot in the air (a volley).
  • There is no volleying in the kitchen. The “non-volley zone,” or kitchen, is designated by the 7-foot zone on each side.
  • Each point is continued until there is a fault. Play continues after the serve is made until a “fault” is made. A fault ends a point.
  • You must serve underhand with your arm moving in an upward arc.
  • You only score in pickleball when it is your serve, and you keep serving until you lose a point. You switch sides with your partner and serve to the opposite opponent after winning each point on your serve.