Rules and Regulations


Safety is important in our community; therefore we require the inspection of fireplaces and dryer vents. It is also suggested batteries be changed in all your detectors during each time change.
see Profile & Inspections

1.) At no time shall any person park any motor vehicle on any streets or roads in the condominium development. Parking of vehicles is permitted only in driveways and designated parking areas.

2.) Every owner or occupant of a condominium shall park his motor vehicle only in the garage or driveway area designated for his individual condominium unit.

3.) Under no circumstances shall any owner, occupant, or other person or entity be allowed to store any trailer, boat, abandoned motor vehicle or unlicensed motor vehicle, any recreation vehicle, motor home, or any item similar to any of the above on any portion of the common elements or in any driveway. Outdoor parking or storage of trucks, heavy equipment, tools, or building materials is forbidden.

4.) Storage of any items of personal property is specifically prohibited on any portion of the common elements.

5.) Assembling, disassembling or repair of motor vehicles or mechanical equipment is prohibited on any area within the condominium development, including common elements, individual driveways and garages.

6.) No person shall cause or permit any obstruction to occur in any common driveway or roadway in the condominium development so as to interfere with access by all other owners, occupants, visitors, or emergency vehicles.

7.) No garments, rugs, blankets, or other items of any kind shall be hung from windows, patios, decks or facades of any building or displayed in any way on any common property. Additionally, no exterior clothes lines shall be permitted in any area of the condominium development.

8.) No rugs or other items shall be dusted, beaten or cleaned from windows or balconies or against any exterior portions of any buildings, nor shall any of the aforementioned items be done in any common areas.

9.) All garbage and trash of unit owners and occupants shall be placed in receptacles, and for sanitary reasons, all trash, except newspapers shall be kept in plastic bags and tied securely before being placed in trash receptacles. In no event shall trash be placed outside of the trash receptacles.

10.) Trash, refuse and garbage must be kept in closed containers inside garages until designated collection days, at which time the containers may be placed outside for collection.

11.) Owners or occupants of any condominium unit within the development are prohibited from making any structural alteration in the interior or exterior of a condominium unit or installing or permitting to be installed any wiring for electrical, telephone, radio, or machines or devices of any kind, either within or extending through any wall or outside of his condominium unit without first obtaining express written authority therefor from the Board of Directors. If said authority is obtained, same shall be exercised in accordance with specifications, restrictions and stipulations required by the Board of Directors.

12.) Pets of any kind shall not be allowed to run loose within or without the condominium development, and unit owners or occupants shall, at all times, keep the pets on a leash and shall keep their respective pets off grass other than that immediately surrounding that unit owner’s patio. Owners of pets are also responsible for and required to clean up after their pet in order to properly maintain all common areas and maintain proper sanitary and esthetic conditions. If, after receipt of written notice by the Association that the owner’s or occupant’s pet is violating the provisions of this paragraph of the rules and regulations, the owner does not correct and cease such violation, the Association shall have the right to impose a fine of $50.00 on the unit owner. The $50,00 fine shall be deposited in a general maintenance account of the Association; and in the event that the $50.00 fine is not promptly paid, then the Association shall also have the right to seek appropriate legal action against the unit owner in order to obtain payment of the fine, court costs, interest, attorney’s fees and in addition thereto, may seek a civil court injunction against said unit owner to eliminate the continued violation of these rules and regulations.

13.) Unit owners and occupants are prohibited from posting or permitting to be posted on any building or part of the common elements, any advertisement, poster or sign of any kind unless expressly authorized, in writing, by the Board of Directors to do so.

14.) Owners or occupants of units or any other individuals shall be prohibited from soliciting for commercial interests in person or by telephone and shall be limited for such purposes to the use of regular mail or posting of notices on a bulletin board to be provided in the common recreational area for such purposes.
Notices posted on the bulletin board for commercial purposes shall require written approval of the Board of Directors prior to the posting of same so as to ensure that said notices are in good taste and do not utilize a disproportionate share of the bulletin board so as to interfere with the rights of others to use said bulletin board. No solicitation of any kind shall refer to the Berkshire Ridge Condominium Development, or the Berkshire Ridge Condominium Association, without express written consent of the Board of Directors in advance.

15.) All owners and occupants of units shall, at all times, exercise extreme care to avoid making or permitting to be made, loud or objectionable noises, and in using or playing or to be used or played, musical instruments, radios, phonographs, television sets, amplifiers, or any other such instruments or devices, in such a manner so as to disturb or tend to disturb other unit owners, occupants, or visitors.

16.) Owners or occupants of units may make arrangements for outdoor parties in common areas or the recreation site or community building when desired. However, in order to have such a party or gathering, advance arrangements must be made with the Board of Directors, and any restrictions or stipulations of the Board must be adhered to. Advance notice is mandatory to avoid conflict of more than one activity or more than one individual attempting to utilize similar common areas at the same time. The Board of Directors reserves the right to establish and regulations from time to time concerning the aforementioned types of activities.

17.) All owners and occupants of units shall be prohibited from using or permitting to be used any condominium units or the common elements, in any manner which would be disturbing or create a nuisance to other owners or occupants of units, and shall also avoid any behavior or activities which would be injurious to the reputation of the Berkshire Ridge Condominium Association.

18.) All unit owners and occupants shall refrain, at all times, from any immoral, improper, offensive or unlawful activity or use within the condominium property and all valid laws, zoning ordinances, regulations of any governmental agencies having jurisdiction shall be observed at all times. Responsibility for adherence to this section shall be that of unit owners as well as occupants.

19.) Unit owners shall be responsible for the behavior and conduct of their guests while using any recreational facility.

20.) Unit owners and occupants are prohibited from planting, maintaining any trees, shrubs, bushes, plants, flowers or otherwise landscape any portion of the common elements, unless specifically authorized in advance, an writing, by the Board of Directors to do so, and in that event, any restrictions or stipulations imposed by the Board of Directors shall be adhered to.

Fireplace & Dryer Vent Inspections

Safety is important in our community; therefore we require the inspection of fireplaces and dryer vents.
It is also suggested batteries be changed in all your detectors during each time change.

Please be reminded, Dryer Vent and Chimney Due October 31, 2023 are required and a copy must be provided to the Association per the Associations rules.
Once cleaning has been completed, you can submit copy of your receipt to the management company.
Any homeowner that does not comply by the deadline may incur a fine in accordance with The Berkshire Ridge Condominium Association, Inc. Rules and Regulations.
No exceptions will be made so please schedule your service as soon as possible.
Please call and make an appointment today.

The Berkshire Ridge Condominium Association, Inc.
Services – Chimney Inspection
Services – Dryer Vent & Air Duct Cleaning

Any questions on this may be directed to